Membership Information

FULL MEMBERSHIP, ladies and gentlemen over 18 years are eligible on payment of the annual subscription. 

Currently the annual subscription is £35.00 with a paper Newsletter or £25 for a digital newsletter for adults having the same address.

JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP, members children can be registered with a ‘one-off’ payment of £1.00, to run until they are 18 years old, or until their parents are no longer members, whichever is the sooner.

Please Note: They have no voting rights.

The subscription for those joining the club after 1st July is currently £18.00 (paper Newsletter) or £13 ( digital Newsletter) for the latter part of their first year.

New members will be issued with a full copy of the club rules. Both the proposer and the seconder must be full members of the club. If however, you are not known to any existing members, the committee has the power to elect you on receipt of the relevant form.

The term ‘ Vintage’ as defined by this club applies to vehicles manufactured before 31st December 1939 for inclusion in the register.

Please fill in all details on the attached form and return to the membership secretaries.

Maurice & Wendy Gallaher
Malting Farm
Malting Farm Lane
Essex CO7 7QG 

Tel 07999002467  Email

The term ‘ Vintage’ as defined by this club applies to vehicles manufactured before 31st December 1939 for inclusion in the register

Please fill in all details on the membership form and return to the membership secretaries.

Maurice & Wendy Gallaher
Malting Farm
Malting Farm Lane
Essex CO7 7QG

Tel 01206 230207
