Future Events

   Regular Meetings

 Indoor Meetings  take place,at 2.30pm Langham Community Centre,

 School Road, Langham,CO4 5PA

 Unless otherwise stated.

 Members are advised to check the dates and events on the latest newsletter as occasionally alterations to the program have to be made.


Please note we now have A CVMC Facebook account and  CVMC Whatsapp account.



Monday, 20th January ,2025 ,Langham. Charlie Haylock. “Surnames”


Monday, February 17th 2025, Langham . Bob Welton, “cars I have owned”


Monday March 17th 2025. An afternoon of  Archive films. Langham 2.30pm







Monday,  November  11th Lunch at The Cricketers, Fordham Heath


Wednesday, December 18th, Lunch Brewers Arms, Polstead.

The last week in January, the club’s Annual Awards Lunch. Details next month

Kens quizzes via Zoom:

Thursday 19th December,Thursday 16th January 2025.Thursday 20th February , Thursday 20th March. 






Other Events
















   Regular Meetings

 Indoor Meetings  take place,at 2.30pm Langham Community Centre,

 School Road, Langham,CO4 5PA

 Unless otherwise stated.

 Members are advised to check the dates and events on the latest newsletter as occasionally alterations to the program have to be made.


Monday,16th September. Langham. Richard Humphries


 Monday, 21st October, Langham. CVMC Annual General Meeting


Monday, 18th November, Langham Bob Welton “Cars I have owned


Monday, 20th January ,2025 ,Langham. Charlie Haylock. “Surnames”






Monday, May 29th Lunch at the Fox, Newbourne 12am for 12.30, Roger Challis by email. rogerchallis@btinternet.com


Monday, 10th June2024, visit to Essex & Herts Air Ambulance Airbase. Contact Maurice or Wendy on 07999002 or 07592230233 email mauricegallaher@gmail.com


Wednesday, June 19th,Lunch at the Brewers Arms,Polstead. Contact Brian Aket,01359 232025.


Saturday, 6th July. A visit to Steam Day  to the East Anglian Railway Museum,Chappel with Peter Hill   01206 734563 peter.j.hill@hotmail.co.uk


Saturday, 13th July CVMC Tendering Show


Sunday 11th August,Club Driving Gymkhana, Maltings Farm,Ardleigh.



From Brian Aket.


Sunday, May 12th VSCC Suffolk Tour

Thursday, June 20th The longest Day. Pubmeet at Tostock

Sunday, 23rd June. Vintage Power day, Pakenham Water Mill.  




Other Events



Sunday May 26th,Bardwell ” cars on the green”.


Saturday and Sunday, June 1st and 2nd Woolpit Steam Rally.


Thursday July11th, Friston “cars on the green”.